Decrease of TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-17 lower the severity of inflammation. Remedy for arthritis, SLE, atopic dermatitis.

Decrease of TNF-α and INF-ɣ lower attack on pancrease β-cell, more insulin is secreted, the blood sugar level is lowered, diabetes type-I is improved. Insulin-resistant is also decreased, blood sugar level is lowered, diabetes type-II is improved.

Decrease of IL-17 lowers the severity of auto-immunity and diabetes.

Increase Th1 stimulates the ability to tackle bacteria, virus, fungus and cancer cells

Th1 dominating Th2, lowers the Th2 auto-immune symptons

Increase Th1, IL9(Th9) and Th17 significantly. The ability to eliminate bacteria, virus, fungus and cancer cells is several times higher.

Increase Treg regulate the level of Th1, Th2, Th17 not to raise to the dangerous levels.

Increase of Treg, regulates the level of Th1, Th2 and Th17, good for all auto-immunity symptoms.

  • BIM product induces the activation of Th1 and Th17 cells, but not Th2 cells
  • Study of the Operation BIM Product on the Modulation of the Immune System (Arthrinox)
  • Study of the Operation BIM Product on the Modulation of the Immune System (Diabenox)
  • Lab Data of BIM Capsule and BIM Mangosteen Juice
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